Online Course, Cohort, & Voxer support
Next Cohort Fall 2024 | Join the waitlist today!

Wonder & Doubt Mentorship Program
Explore doubt and deconstruction without losing your Christian faith.
Your beliefs are shifting and you can’t stay where you once were, but does that mean walking away from the Christian faith altogether?
You’re serious about your faith. You spent time in the church and have done everything “right,” but now your faith is shifting. You notice more doubt, questions, and uncertainty. It started out subtle, but it’s begun to feel more like a train that’s taking you someplace you’re not sure you want to go. It’s hard to say what you believe at the moment.
You’re tired of pretending to be okay. On the inside, you feel so sad, worried, disappointed, and angry. You’ve pushed things down and ignored them, but you wonder how much longer you can do that. Church is feeling less joyful and safe, or maybe engaging with that community feels too much right now.
If your faith is changing, you wonder what that means about who you are and who God is. The discomfort and uncertainty are starting to really wear you down and you’re not sure how to “fix” this.
You sometimes wish you could go back to when faith seemed simpler, but that doesn’t feel authentic anymore. You’ve seen too much, experienced too much, and have grown in deeper understanding of some of the conflicts in the world and church. You wonder if you can even be a Christian anymore, but you hope you can.
Imagine being able to…
Keep your connection to God in the midst of deconstruction; gaining a deeper sense of what you honestly believe.
Have a community with like-minded friends who are rooting for your faith, even in the midst of detangling theirs.
Grow into a more authentic person of faith who has clarity on the values and ethics that drive your behaviors.
Talkback to the shames and shoulds of the Christian subculture, to sift out what is foundational and what is toxic teaching.
Accept where you are at in your faith journey, and gain confidence to communicate this to others.
Change your anxiety to wonder, filled with the ability to ask the questions that matter, and dream of a new way of showing up in your faith.
Use proven tools and practices to calm your spirit and connect you back to the truths of Jesus.
Wonder & Doubt was created for thoughtful Christians in the midst of doubt and deconstruction, who want to toss toxic teachings, retain the authentic parts of their faith, and discover a deeper way to believe.
By joining the waitlist you are eligible for the following special bonuses:
One 45-minute individual coaching session
$25 resource giftcard
Hey, I’m Amanda!
About ten years ago I wondered “Can I still be a Christian?” The doubts and questions that had been content to simmer on the back burner had finally spilled over. For months I had been trying to figure out the “one right way” to believe, but with each new theological topic, I just continued to have more questions. This deconstruction spiral sent me into depression and increased my anxiety.
My identity was so closely tied to my Christian faith that to give it all up, felt like I’d have to recreate who I was from the ground up. It seemed like the little faith I had kept me tied to the Christian tradition, but if I was going to stay a Christian I needed to find a new way to do that because this depression Christianity was not working.
After mudding around in the darkness for a while, I started therapy and attending a systematic theology class. Both were transformative since they allowed me to ask questions and pointed out the gray amid the black and white. I began to do the deeper work of really acknowledging and owning where I was at. This process eventually led me to obtain my Masters in Social Work, so I can help others process through the areas that seem stuck in their lives.
For most of us growing up in the church, we aren’t often given the space or tools to navigate doubt, questions, and deconstruction. Both my clinical and theological knowledge has led me to conclude that our faith can be more expansive and authentic than what we were taught. I’ve made peace that there will always be some portion of doubt mixed with my faith. I created the Wonder & Doubt Mentorship Program to offer you relief, provide a safe space, and teach mindset tools that allow for true freedom in Christ.
Amanda has found a way to ask the questions that we need to be asked when we are presented with the confusion and disorientation of faith deconstruction. Her ability to listen with no judgment along with her wisdom to guide the process makes her an invaluable partner in the process.
~Aaron M.
Amanda is a trusted guide on your journey through questions and doubt. Using her knowledge as a therapist combined with her experience with faith reconstruction, Amanda will help you sift through your beliefs to arrive at a place of peace and hope.
~Dr. Camden Morgante, PhyD
“Amanda is wonderful! She is competent and intelligent. She is also kind, thoughtful, and wise. I always enjoy talking about ‘big questions of life’ with her, as she is able to hold space for exploring hard topics without making people feel judged.”
~Bre K.
When you join the Wonder & Doubt Mentoring Program you’ll get access to…
Wonder & Doubt Together Mentoring Calls: A 90 minute, weekly video call with your cohort to dive into the material, share our experiences, and feel a little less alone in this journey.
Wonder & Doubt Online Course: A 6-module/6-week course complete with video teachings, resource lists, and practical skills for deconstructing and reconstructing.
Wonder & Doubt Workbook: Access to a downloadable 100-page workbook, where you can deepen your work throughout the week and put it into practice.
Voxer Community: 7 weeks of support through this walkie-talkie app that allows you to connect with me and your cohort throughout the week to check-in and share resources.

What others are saying…
“Thank you so much for helping me ask new questions and not feel like I’m doing this alone.”
Kyle B.
“Amanda was instrumental in helping me work through my faith crisis. Her thoughtful questions allowed me to start piecing together what I actually believed versus just accepting what I was taught.”
Jill C.
Identifying your faith anchor points, so that you feel grounded for the spiritual journey ahead.
: Construction
Understanding how you got here and what’s not working as you prepare to move toward a more authentic faith.
Embracing uncertainty and creating practices to grieve change, so that you gain trust in yourself and your experinces.
Cultivating an integrated spiritual identity, so that you feel confident in where your beleifs.
Setting boundaries and navigating relationships in order to stay connected.
Tools for trusting yourself and the process so you can make discerning choices in your continued faith journey.
You don’t have to go through
this journey alone.
Let’s bring our deconstruction journey out of the shadows. Let’s speak life and not death into this process. You can identify, question, and doubt aspects of your belief system without losing your faith.
When doubt is spoken out loud, feelings of shame, guilt, and loneliness are reduced. Your cohort will provide a supportive atmosphere to wrestle through your big questions. You’ll gain perspective and insight from the experiences of others.
In a few weeks, you could be feeling lighter and more hopeful about this process. When you join the Wonder & Doubt Mentorship Program you will learn tools to reduce your distress, get to know yourself better, and connect you back to what remains true in your faith.
Wonder & Doubt Group Mentorship Program
6 Week Online Course
6 Group Mentoring Calls (Sundays from 7-8:30pm EST)
Digital Workbook (97 pages)
Voxer Support
$327 USD
Wonder & Doubt helped me think through the complexities of faith in more easily digestible nuggets. Like climbing a mountain one step at a time.
~ Michelle W
The community aspect helped me feel less alone with my doubts and questions and feelings.
~ Laura S
I learned a lot! Leaving behind Shame, Shoulds & Black/White Thinking. Living in the Grey with Wonder and Curiosity, practicing Self Compassion, using a Spectrum to describe where I am at with certain beliefs and being a "Good Enough Christian!" I also like the "Worry vs. Wonder" example in the Onward module.
~ AH
People are saying…
You might be wondering…
When are the Wonder & Doubt Together Mentoring Calls?
Calls happen weekly over Zoom on Sundays from 7-8:30pm EST.
What if I can’t attend the Mentoring Calls live?
The calls will be recorded and uploaded to the course room within 48 hours. This way you will have access to what we talked about and what the group processed through that week.
What is the time commitment of Wonder & Doubt?
Wonder & Doubt is meant to be completed weekly with the Mentoring Call focusing on the material of that week. Lessons will be uploaded to the course room on Mondays. Expect to spend 1-1.5 hours in self-reflective work and practice a week. Mentoring calls are 90 minutes on Sundays.
What are your beliefs on inclusion?
This program is open and inclusive to all who are sincerely working out their faith. Many on the journey of deconstruction are wrestling through what they were taught (indirectly or directly) about the LGBTQ community, women in ministry, white supremacy, and Christian nationalism. While we can acknowledge that we may be at different places in our exploration of these teachings, a value of this program is that we will honor and acknowledge the inherent dignity and worth of all people as Image Bearers of God. Implicit bias is to be expected, and we will work through those together when they come up, but explicit bias or prejudices will not be tolerated. Individuals who fail to show love and care to those in the cohort will be removed from the program.
What if I need support after the program?
There are plans in 2024 to add additional after-course support through some individualized options. Stay tuned!
Do you offer a refund?
Full refunds are available up to 7 days before the start of the session.
Cultivate wonder in the midst of doubt and questions
We’ve been taught to keep our questions to ourselves, but what if there was a place where doubt could be brought into the light, and you realized there were others just like you. When we practice this together, the guilt and shame we experience often lose their power.
Wonder & Doubt is a secure space that is rooting for you. It’s a place that thoughtful Christians can come to dig into where their faith has come from and where it’s going. It’s a “meet you where you are” mentoring program that will help you cultivate groundedness, explore tools and practices, and grow your wonder of what could be.